Friday, March 12, 2010

Charisma: The Science of Understanding People

Personality Needs

Everyone experiences the same basic human needs, but with each person some needs are more dominant than others. The four major groupings of needs are results, recognition, regimentation, and relationships.

Behavior Styles

When directness is combined with openness it forms four different, recognizable,and habitual behavior patterns or behavioral styles: the Socializer, the Director,the Thinker, and the Relater.

Socializer: Open and Direct

The socializer is high in both directness and openness, readily exhibiting such characteristics as animation, intuitiveness, and liveliness. He is an idea person--a dreamer--but he also can be viewed as manipulative, impetuous, and excitable when displaying behavior inappropriate to a particular situation.

When prospects are Socializers:
Be stimulating and show your interest in them. Allow themtime to talk.
Meet them boldly; don't be shy. Introduce yourself first.
Study their dreams and goals as well as their other needs.
Propose your solution with stories or illustrations that relate tothem and their goals.

Confirm the details in writing. Be clear and direct.

Director: Direct and Guarded

The director is very direct and at the same time guarded. He exhibits firmness in his relationships with others, is oriented toward productivity and goals, and is concerned with bottom-line results. Closely allied to these positive traits, however, are the negative ones of stubbornness, impatience, toughness, and even domineeringness.

When working with Directors:
Plan to be prepared, organized fast-paced, and to the point.
Meet them in a professional and businesslike manner.
Study their goals and objectives-what they want to do and how.
Proposed solutions and clearly defined consequences and rewardsthat relate specifically to the director's goals.
Provide two or three options and let the director make thedecision.

Thinker: Indirect and Guarded

The person who has the thinker-style behavior is both indirect and guarded. He seems to be very concerned with the process of thinking, and is a persistent, systematic problem-solver. But he also can be seen as aloof, picky, and critical. A thinker is very security conscious and has a strong need to be right. This leads him to an over-reliance on data collection. In his quest for data he tends to ask many questions about specific details. His actions and decisions tend to be extremely cautious.

For best results with Thinkers:

Plan to be well prepared to answer all their questions.
Meet them cordially, but get down to business quickly.
Study their situation in a practical, logical manner. Ask lots of questions and make sure your questions show a clear direction.
Propose logical solutions to their problems and offer documentation.
Don't push; give them time to think.

Relater: Open and Indirect

The fourth and last style, the relater, is open and unassertive, warm, supportive, and reliable. However, the relater sometimes is seen by others as compliant, soft-hearted, and acquiescent. The relater seeks security and belongingness and like the thinker, is slow at taking action and making decisions. This procrastination stems from his desire to avoid risky and unknown situations. Before he takes action or makes a decision, he has to know how other people feel about it.

Relaters will respond if you:

Get to know them personally. Be likable and non-threatening, professional but friendly.
Go at a slow pace. Develop trust, friendship, and credibility.
Study their feelings and emotional needs as well as their practical needs. Take time to get them to spell our what is really important to them.
Don't push or rush. Offer personal assurances whenever you can.
Be consistent and regular in your communications. Give them nurturing and reassurance.

Conceptual framework developed by Dr. Tony Alessandra,

For more information, visit: Charisma

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