Thursday, February 25, 2010

Charisma: The Art of Speaking with Flair

What distinguishes those individuals who are at the top of their profession over those who, while successful, may not share a similar position? The answer is flair and showmanship! Personalities that revolutionize an industry are those who are able to capture the imagination of their audiences. The late Pop star Michael Jackson, Magician David Copperfield, and animal trainers Siegfried and Roy, are a few examples of individuals who have risen to the highest heights in their fields by being expert showmen.

Like most things in life, people who possess flair are not born but made. The most mundane speaker can learn how to capture an audience's attention by adding flair to his presentation. Here are a few tips:

1. Bring or Create Your Personality on Stage- Speakers are closely aligned with actors and actresses because they are often required to re-create reality on stage for audiences. Speakers who are extroverts bring that personality to the stage. They engage the audience by penetrating their emotions as well as appealing to their logic. These speakers add color and verve to their presentation by the use of anecdotes, analogies, drama, and humor. The presentation takes on a life of its own. Extroverts are often jokingly referred to as "hams".

Speakers who are introverts can create an extroverted personality. The introvert must see himself in a bigger- than- life role by envisioning how he wishes the audience to respond. He creates the moves, verbiage, and nuances that he wishes to become. He may be totally different on stage than in private. Once a mental picture is developed, the person begins to act according to the picture. By inundating the mind with these pictures, the introvert becomes the exciting speaker on stage. You can choose to bring your personality on stage or create the personality you think most effective.

2. Develop Your Own Sense of Style- The speaker who develops a unique style will have a more effective presentation over imitators. A speaker's haircut, clothing, brand of humor, and animated gestures, may become his trademark. The challenge for a speaker in developing flair is to constantly enhance one's true self. It is important to point out that one's flair should remain in the sphere of proper social etiquette. Any persona deemed "outlandish" might have a negative impact on the audience.

3. Develop a Regimen that Enhances Flair- Athletes often take ballet and dance lessons to become more graceful and coordinated. As speakers, the most important part of our presentation is our non-verbal language. Ballet and dance encourages rhythmic flow for natural gestures. For those who can not afford ballet and dance lessons, your living room and a good CD player will do. You may vary voice rate and variation by reciting alphabets or reading aloud from your favorite novel. A regimen helps condition the mind to duplicate the efforts when giving a presentation. The harder one adheres to a regimen to enhance flair, the natural it will become when it is time to give a presentation.

4. Study Entertainers in Different Fields- Effective entertainers and speakers share certain traits. One trait is their ability to "WOW" the audience. Another trait is the ability to produce memorable performances in the minds of their audiences. You expand your choices of speaking styles by viewing personalities in other fields. Your creative energies are heightened by stretching the possibilities of maintaining audience interest.

Creating flair in your presentation is a learned art. A mundane speaking style does not have to be a way of life. If you want to have more dazzling presentations as well as possibly make speaking a profession, learn how to develop flair. With flair, you will talk your way into the hearts and minds of your listeners.

For more information, visit:  Charisma

Friday, February 19, 2010

Charisma: Upclose & Personal, Pt. 5

(The self-contained individual)

Recently, Robert Braswell of The Braswell Group (United Kingdom) interviewed Edward Brown, lead trainer for Core Edge Image & Charisma Institute, to explore the aspects of charisma and its relevancy to profitability and leadership within a global economy. This is the final interview of a five-part series.
Part 5...

Robert: In the last few interviews, I've received mixed comments on the way I asked you questions and the ways you've responded. Suffice to say that our discussions have created some controversy. I still become uncomfortable when I've ruffled someone's feathers. You seem to handle it better. What is your secret?

Ed: I really don't have a secret. It really isn't my intention to get anyone's ire up. I merely have a point of view based on my research and body of work. Over a decade ago, I asked the question," What does it really take to be economically successful in contemporary society?" I believe my life up to this point has been relentless in answering the question with great passion.

Robert: What does it take to achieve economic success in contemporary society?

Ed: Invariably, I believe it takes an unquenchable quest for understanding the dynamics of human nature and how to master it. The individual has to become a "self-contained" unit within himself/herself and be connectedly detached from the wiles of people in general.

Robert: "Connectedly detached?" What does that mean?

Ed: It means you become almost needless of other people. You care about those individuals you relate to, but you don't get involved with their choices in such a way that you are effected by them. Buddhists believe that "Nirvana" or "Heaven on Earth" comes with being detached from the things that cause despair and unhappiness. Again, you care, but aren't tied to the choices and results of other people.

Robert: I understand your point intellectually, but it's hard to swallow emotionally. It's like telling people to stop loving others. Can you see where this would become problematic?

Ed: Certainly, but that's the challenge. My greatest fear as a child was a close relative dying. In the last seven years, I've lost my father, my grandmother and a close friend. I was hit hard by each death, but it didn't destroy me like I had imagined. My initial mental picture couldn't deal with such a lose. I thought I'd die myself. The reality is that while I was hurt and sorrowful from their passing, it didn't kill me. Those experiences taught me that you can still love and detach from the pain over time.

Robert: Is that kind of lose the same as being detached daily from the people around you?

Ed: It's a lesson in intellectual and emotional discipline. If I can take the lose of a loved one, how much can I become effected by the ill advised choices and back-biting of people who are mere acquaintances? I'm not intentionally not trying to care, I don't have the interest nor passion to even engage in how to care.

Robert: That's sounds contrary to being charismatic. How can you engage people and not have a passion for them?

Ed: We apparently have different notions of charisma and its impact. As I've stated before, charisma is merely a means of getting what you want. Whoever said charismatic people loved people? To know human nature, is to be cautious about it. During the 1990's, President Bill Clinton was loved by a large cadre of people as he was hated by another cadre of people. Currently, the same people who were "wowed" by him during that time are now questioning his commitment and loyalty to the ideas he reportedly believed in so dearly. Has his charisma diminished or is it a case of transitioning agendas? This is a perfect example in politics of there not being permanent friends nor enemies, just permanent interests. When his interest sided with one group of people, he was loved. When his interests changed, those same people castigated him. The man himself never changed.

Robert: So, charisma is whimsical and fleeting?

Ed: No, its power and impact is pure. What is fleeting and whimsical are the changing desires and interests of people. It's better for you to believe in an ideology and philosophy that may ruffle the feathers of some people than to attempt to satisfy the endless needs of people in general. Charisma helps you persuade the other person's thinking, but more importantly it's a means of communicating a compelling point of view. You may not agree with what I say, but you've got to appreciate the thought and passion that went into my analysis.

For more information, visit: Charisma

Friday, February 12, 2010

Charisma: Upclose & Personal, IV

Robert Braswell of The Braswell Group (United Kingdom) interviewed Edward Brown, lead trainer for Core Edge Image & Charisma Institute to explore the aspects of charisma and its relevancy to profitability and leadership within a global economy. This is the fourth of a five-part series.

Part 4...

Robert: How does your idea of being a rugged individualist coincide with a society that prides itself on team building, collaborations and selflessness?

Ed: I believe it coincides well with the fabric of America. We are the leaders across many sectors (Business, Education, Technology, etc..), because of our rugged individualism. Most, if not all, advancements in the last 200 years can be tied to an individual with an idea and the passion to pursue it. The person did it for himself and as a result the country benefited from his contribution. Acting in one's rational self-interest is not only logical, it's the first law of self preservation.

Robert: Why does your philosophy place so much emphasis on one's reasoning abilities? Isn't the individual as equally emotional?

Ed: The main factor that allows us to rest at the top of the food chain is our reasonability. Yes, we are emotional. But, rarely have we sharpened our reasoning skills to allow our emotions to work properly. I submit to you that if people develop their minds more acutely, their emotions would serve them better in their decision making. I may not agree with your opinions, but I can appreciate whatever logical analysis you derived to get there. People who have opinions based purely on emotions can't be reasoned with.

Robert: Why do you say that? Are you suggesting that people who hold certain beliefs passionately aren't reasonable?

Ed: I say, the more reasonable you are, the more passionate your beliefs should be. Your reasonability should lead you on a quest for enlightenment. The more you know, the more you want to know. I start off with as much of a blank slate as possible and allow the facts to build the case. Not, I start out emotionally charged and find information to conveniently fit my slanted philosophy.

Robert: Since your idea of charisma has a an emotional bent to it, how do you merge reason and emotions?

Ed: First, charisma is one way by which people get what they want. It's mental, philosophical and strategical. Charisma has no basis outside of social relations. Secondly, the way to enhance what you want is to destroy your illusions through reason. Once you learn and understand how the world operates, your illusions are destroyed and you can use the powers of magnetism to get more of what you want from life.

Robert: So is your mission to promote charisma or destroy illusions?

Ed: Both!

Robert: How are your efforts thus far?

Ed: Life would be easier for me if I merely promoted illusions. People like fantasy better than reality. But, if I did that, my heart wouldn't be in it. I think the last time the world lodged a full fledge campaign to exalt reason was the 17th century during the "Age of Reason." Since then, the world has been in a downward spiral allowing emotions to take precedent over reason. We are diminishing the only thing that makes us special---our minds. I'm not a sports celebrity nor Rapper. The only contributions I'll leave behind when it's all said and done are my final thoughts on how the individual gets more out of life in contemporary society.

Related: Charisma

Friday, February 5, 2010

Creating Power & Charisma from a Position of Weakness

My name is Amanda and I am an investigator for a law firm. I heard from a co-workers that I was hired because I was a woman and the company was trying to fill a quota. My law firm is predominately male. The women have largely administrative positions in the firm. I know that I can do an exceptional job, but I am restricted to less important cases, while the male investigator handles more serious cases. I will never get the opportunity to shine, if I am not given the chance. How can I make the male attorneys that I work with view me as an investigator and not as a woman?

Investigator Amanda from Oregon


Assuming the rumors are true of the reasons for your hire, you have to create a stronger persona as well as a stronger personal constitution. Although women have made great strides to be a force to be reckoned with, they still earn about 80 cents to a man's one dollar. In a patriarchal society where the rules are still skewed towards the aspirations of men, changing minds is an arduous task. To compete, you have to create rules counter to the status quo. You have to first ask yourself, "Do I want to be popular or do I want to be effective." In a Machiavellian sense, you should be looking for respect over being loved. Frederick Douglass once said "Power concedes only to power, always did and always will."

During these recessionary times, attorneys (male and female) are losing jobs within firms based on cut backs and downsizing. The fact that you were hired is a testimony to your competence for the position. To change your dynamics in the firm, I recommend you:

• Address your concerns to the partner-in-charge couching your concerns with specific examples of malfeasance and stressing the importance of getting the most out of you based on their investment.
• Make recommendations to your counterpart about designating assignments. If you have a specific specialty or interest, state what areas of investigation you feel you bring the most value. Appealing to one's sense of reason based on what's best for the firm can be a compelling argument. Any company or firm with a profit motive should look favorable at that line of thinking.
• Act like a partner within any endeavor. If you have valuable skill sets within the field of law, they are marketable throughout the profession. By keeping your options and lines of communication open, you are not at the behest of any one entity. Remember the world only respects strength and power. You don't get out of life what you deserve, you get out of life what you can command.

For more information, visit: Charisma