Saturday, March 31, 2012

Coaching & Consulting on Charismatic Leadership Development

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Are You a Charismatic Leader? A Qualitative Analysis

Edward Brown, M.S.

Researchers are challenged with developing instruments to measure the impact of charismatic leadership on organizational development. At first glance, it would appear logical that the same measures that apply to measuring other leadership models should be apropos for measuring charismatic leadership. Rowold and Laukamp (2009) reported that existing empirical support highlights the positive relationship between charismatic leadership and subjective indicators as important to organizational success. However, there are few studies that have examined the relationship between charismatic leadership and objective measures. Rowold and Laukamp asserted that this lack of measuring objectivity makes it difficult to view charismatic leadership through objective lenses. Following Rowold and Laukamp’s perspective to its logical conclusion suggest that charismatic leadership is difficult to validate because of its subjective nature. If charismatic leadership is founded on the vagaries and capriciousness of individualized responses, it becomes not only challenging to quantify its effectiveness but also to decipher the immutable principles that can be taught to budding leaders and managers within corporate structures.

Quite often, researchers use tools such as the Likert Scale (Trochim 2006) to gauge a respondent’s feelings and opinions about a particular topic on a rating scale usually from 1 to 5 (1 being “strongly disagree” and 5 being “strongly agree”). From the results of a random sampling of a number of people, a final determination is made based on averages.  The Likert Scale is effective for political polling, taste testing, or gauging the receptivity to this fall’s fashions. However, the subjectivity postulated by Rowold and Laukamp suggest that charismatic leadership entails other factors that make objectivity less obvious. Other researchers have suggested that charismatic leadership is often defined after an act as been completed.
If charismatic leaders are evaluated after heroic deeds have been accomplished, it is logical to qualitatively measure charismatic leadership through historical case studies. As such, a template can be drawn to replicate the mode of thinking endemic of charismatic leaders. Drucker (Flaherty 1999) posited that “Practice precedes theory, which means that it is the doer who initiates a concept, but it is the scholar who translates it into a theoretical principle” (p. 89).       
A complete qualitative measure for charismatic leadership would entail the following:
  • Has in some way transformed the standard thinking or operations within an industry or profession
  • Very little, if any distinction, between the individual’s personality and the service or product
  • Creation of a memorable experience which would ordinarily be viewed as mundane

  • There is a seismic shift within the organization or the people around the leader
  • Conventional wisdom or status quo is challenged
  • Visceral emotions about the leader (You either love him or you hate him, little gray area)
  • Others begin emulating the leader without compunction

This qualitative measuring is in no way exhaustive, but it does begin the alignment of the subjective experiences of respondents. Collective subjectivity in this instance can begin the objectivity of measuring charismatic leadership based on a standard.  If an individual fits the qualitative measures of charismatic leadership, this is a start in effectively measuring this brand of leadership. Perhaps, the uniqueness of the charismatic leadership model requires qualitative measures over quantitative analysis.

For more information, visit:


Flaherty, J.E. (1999). Peter Drucker: Shaping the managerial mind. San Francisco: CA.Jossey-Bass
Rowold, J., and Laukamp, L. (2009 Oct.). Charismatic leadership and objective indicators. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 58(4), 602-621

Trochim,W.M.K.(2006). Research methods knowledge base. Retrieved from:

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Can Charisma Be Manufactured?

Researcher and lead instructor Edward Brown, M.S., of Core Edge Image & Charisma Institute conducts a question and answers (Q & A) session to determine if genuine charisma is inborn or a product of a highly evolved skill set.

Q: How is manufactured charisma derived?

A: First, a loose definition of manufactured charisma is the idea that a person initially did not have charisma and over a course of time, developed charisma. The learning or skill set building of charisma may be viewed as manufactured. As such, manufactured charisma takes place when a person decides that life can be more productive and profitable if he or she demonstrates more charisma and seeks to adopt the traits of those defined as charismatic.

Q: So, is developing charisma as simple as waking up one morning saying, “I want to be more charismatic?”

A: Well, yes and no. Yes, you can wake up one morning and determine that your life can be enhanced with certain skill sets that fall under the charisma doctrine. However, it requires work that takes some time to achieve. You can’t emulate charismatic leaders or manufacture more charisma unless you dedicate yourself to the process.

Q: Okay, what are some of the skill sets that lead to manufactured charisma and can you provide examples of each skill set?

A: Yes, if an individual wanted to speak with charisma, he or she could learn how to draw audiences in by telling great stories and anecdotes based on his or her life experiences and tie the stories to a compelling message. Although former President Bill Clinton is charismatic, he was not always a charismatic speaker. In 1988, Bill Clinton was introducing Democratic Presidential Nominee Michael Dukakis, when he received the greatest applause once he announced that his speech was coming to a close. It’s hard to imagine Clinton boring any crowd today, but he learned through the laws of engagement, how to speak with charisma.  Also, you can manufacture charisma like celebrities do. From Elvis Presley to Liberace to Michael Jackson, charismatic personalities within an industry show a propensity to wear clothes that are cutting edge and express individualized distinction. What you wear and how you wear effects your level of charisma. Finally, you can manufacture charisma by learning how to be more persuasive and influential. Clerics within various religions are great at creating self-reverence as well as persuading others to a point of view. Pastors, Rabbis, and Imams are adept at being persuasive because they represent an ideal as well as fulfill built-in needs within individuals.  All this is learned behavior.

Q: If all these factors are learned and manufactured, is there such a thing as genuine charisma?

A: Well, there is a distinction, but on the surface the two may look the same.  For instance, if Bill Clinton is a genuine charismatic personality and President Barack Obama has manufactured charisma, is there a difference in most people’s eyes in their success?  Essentially, they are loved, admired, and successful, because of their charisma. In fact, Obama used some of the same political strategies and techniques that Clinton used to get elected. A genuine charismatic personality is a combination of genetic, social, and psychological factors aligning to produce a visionary or compelling personality. A manufactured charismatic personality uses the outward imagery of charismatic leaders to produce a vision of charisma. To the naked eye, the results appear the same.

For more information, visit: Charisma

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

How Do Charismatic Leaders Handle Office Politics?

Researcher and lead instructor Edward Brown, M.S., of Core Edge Image & Charisma Institute does a questions and answers (Q & A) on dealing with office politics and how charismatic leaders effectively maneuver through this social minefield.

Q: Why does office politics exist in the first place?

A: At the core of most, if not all, relationships is power. Individuals need to gain some sense of power or control to feel empowered. In corporate hierarchies, decision makers from entry level managers to the chief operating officer, wield power and employees want to gain some semblance of influence by being positively associated with those in control.

Q: That’s understandable, but why does it have to be so “cut throat?”

A: “Cut throat” is a relative term. Essentially, the ambition and desire of the participants will determine how far they are willing to go. If you go back to your elementary school days, bringing the teacher an apple could be viewed as the genesis of office politics. The child who gives an apple to a teacher is trying to influence a favorable impression by the teacher. In school, this could relate to better grades. As an adult, favoritism could mean a better position or a higher salary.

Q: So, how do charismatic leaders thrive effectively in office politics within organizations?

A: Once a person is viewed as a charismatic personality or leader, whether they have a managerial position or not, individuals try to get the charismatic leader on their side. Generally, the charismatic leader is liked or at least respected by managers and employees. As such, the charismatic leader stays above the fray. He does not participate in the “In-fighting” because it often does not correspond to his long-term interests. The charismatic leader acts according to his business interests and does not take sides that will impact negatively on these interests.

Q: If charismatic leaders are also employees, and most employees desire power, how can he avoid office politics?

A: He has beliefs and opinions, but has a “Big Picture” sense of his ideals, actions, and purpose. The charismatic leader has contacts inside and outside the organization. He does not rely on any one institution to facilitate his long term objectives. The charismatic leader fights for what is his, but does not limit himself like his fellow employees.

Q: Do the limitations people place on themselves, keep them fighting in office politics?

A: Yes, my mother used to say it is a poor mouse that only has one hole to run to. Most people only have one hole to run to, although they are not mice. Charismatic leaders would never relegate their lives to dependency on one opportunity, employment, or idea.

For more information, visit: Charisma

Monday, March 12, 2012

Charismatic Leaders Serving as Role Models to Entry-Level and Mid-Level Managers

Burns-Saraiva (n.d.) noted the following:

I think mentoring is an understanding between two or more people. It is a way for people to learn from each other. Even though most think mentors are older, I think it's a bond and no matter age, race, or gender, it’s a way for people to communicate! (Para. 1)

The notion of acquiring a role model is often advised to anyone seeking to achieve personal or professional success.  This notion stems from the idea that if you are the smartest person in a group, you need to find another group. Generally, people grow when guided by others with greater knowledge and experience.  However, pundits who rally around role models and mentorship often focus on formalized mentorship as postulated by Burns-Saraive. Conversely, there are informal ways of acquiring role models. Informal mentorship may be applied out of necessity or convenience.  Celebrities, chief executive officers, and prestigious individuals receive numerous requests from budding entertainers, entry level managers, and aspiring scholars asking to be coached or mentored. The time and attention needed for mentorship often is impractical for potential mentors. As a result, entry and mid-level managers have to create their own system for professional development and advancement. The charismatic leadership model is the essential leadership model where personality, tenacity, and persistence are the standard traits for achievement. Managers lacking the connections and exposure to attract the help of esteemed mentors should study the benchmarks and templates demonstrated by charismatic leaders. There are a few ways of gaining information and strategies of charismatic leaders to serve as role models.

1.      Choose charismatic leaders in a chosen profession. Although similarities exist between charismatic leaders in general, following a charismatic leader within your chosen profession makes every act relevant and visceral. As an entry level manager, you can learn a great deal about charismatic leadership from basketball great Michael Jordan. Jordan’s personality, work ethic, and steel determination led the Chicago Bulls to winning six championships. However, more relevant charismatic biographies for corporate managers might be Oracles’ Larry Ellis or the late John Delorean.  History is replete with charismatic leaders in every field who transformed the conventional thinking of their day. Reportedly, Alexander the Great was influenced by the hero in Homer’s “Iliad.” Julius Caesar and Napoleon Bonaparte were believed to have been influenced by Alexander the Great.  Historical heroes can become role models for corporate managers.  William Duggan in his book “The Art of What Works: How Success Really Happens” suggested that if a concept or strategy worked in the past, with some tweaking, it will work again in the present. 

2.      Become a self-reliant, independent learner.  Although charismatic leaders are viewed as “People Persons,” they create and develop many of their ideas in isolation.  Thomas Edison spent an inordinate amount of time in his laboratory before inventing the incandescent light bulb.  In Dean Keith Simonton’s “Greatness: Who Makes History and Why,” he postulated that Albert Einstein professed that his work did not lend itself to social interaction.  Einstein Reportedly said, “I am a horse with a single harness, not cut for tandem or teamwork…for well I know that in order to attain any definite goal, it is imperative that one person should be thinking and commanding (p. 388).   The downside of paternalistic or maternalistic mentorship is that it deifies the fallibility of human beings.  Although mentors are valued resources, they still can err in judgment.  Any template or benchmark should serve as mere suggestions and guidelines.  There still exists a great deal of testing, trial, and error no matter how acclaimed the mentor.  

3.       Use current technology to lead as well as influence. Traditionally, mentors were used not only to learn from, but to gain access to privileged social circles. Although nepotism and cronyism still exists, technology and the Internet have created opportunities to gain information as well influence industries like no other time in history. Charismatic leaders become an army of one before the rest of the population has caught on to an idea.  Twenty-two year old Molly Katchpole started an online petition against Bank of America (BOF) after discovering that BOF would begin charging a $5 monthly fee on debit card transactions.  After a month, 306,000 people signed Katchpole’s petition causing BOF to reverse its decision to levy the monthly fee. The Internet and social media have allowed individuals to lead crusades that would have required enormous human capital once upon a time. Use technology as a conduit for nurturing self-confidence.

The experience, education, and contacts of mentors are invaluable for entry and mid-level managers. In a social world, relationships will always be important. For the manager challenged with attaining resources from a mentor, the strategies of charismatic leaders will not only help attract the aid of a mentor, but create the mindset and independence to place all resources in its proper perspective.


Burns-Saraiva. K. (n.d.). Role models and online mentoring. Women & Girls Techup. Retrieved from :

Friday, March 9, 2012

Mitt Romney Looks Presidential, But Is He Charismatic Enough?

The 2012 Republican Presidential Primaries has definitely turned into a horse race, but Mitt Romney appears to be the party’s preferred candidate. Current CNN and NYT Polls show that Romney has 55% of the Republican Delegates compared to Santorum’s 24% and Gingrich’s and Paul’s 10% respectively. As of March 8, 2012, A Real Clear Poll shows President Obama beating Romney 49.2% to 44.8%. However, Romney has not inspired the enthusiasm that a Clinton, Obama, and even a George W. Bush candidacy once did. Romney is the presumed Republican Party’s choice by default. A Jeb Bush candidacy, despite Bush fatigue, might be more inspirational. Romney’s uninspired candidacy will be under further attack against Obama’s marketing machine that stars an incumbent that is battle tested and even more electrifying.

If Romney is to compete against Obama’s marketing muscle, he will have to enhance his charisma by:

Describing current conditions compared to the ideal. Charismatic leaders fully understand that people act in their self-interest and will generally change behavior when conditions are severely uncomfortable. However, this discomfort has to resonate with an adverse situation that individuals fear. An example would be a real estate agent that shows a prospective buyer a run-down house in a questionable neighborhood. When the real estate agent shows the prospective buyer other houses in more desirable surroundings, the buyer is more inclined to consider the latter houses for purchase, because the buyer fears investing in a house where his or her quality of life will be harmed. If Romney wants to influence uncommitted voters, he must exaggerate current conditions as being abysmal and describe how accepting his recommendations would be transformational.

Communicating to both regions of the brain. Charismatic leaders speak with passion and commitment that serves as a means of rattling the minds of others. Have you ever thought something to be true, but began questioning its validity once someone provided contrary facts and spoke with extreme passion? It was not just an issue of not holding steadfast to your belief; it was the feeling of uncertainty that came about through someone showing more emotion and logic behind the idea. By demonstrating steel determination, passion, and confidence, Romney can demonstrate a higher degree of charisma

Speaking with specificity. Although charismatic leaders are noted for passionate and effective oratory, it is their ability to speak with specificity and detail that makes them magnetic. By providing clear, precise, and practical information, individuals are able to see their role in an overarching vision. If Romney begins breaking a mission down step-by-step with passionate oratory that speaks to the long term manifestation of an idea, he will not only free voters of ambiguity, he will inspire them to create options to the mission that he may not have considered. In the end, clear and concise communication is used as a motivational device.

Although Romney has the looks and experience to become President of the U.S., Pop Culture dictates that aspiring presidents must have the “Cool” factor. The image of a relevant and tuned-in president is just as important as the political platform by which he stands. If Romney is to be a serious challenger to President Obama, he must enhance his charisma or go the way of former presidential contender Mike Dukakis.


Real Clear Politics (2012). 2012 general election results. Retrieved from:  

For more information, visit: Charisma

Thursday, March 8, 2012

How Charismatic Leaders Build Profitable Non-Profit Organizations

Starting a non-profit organization can be as challenging as starting a for-profit business. McNamara (n.d.) posited a few considerations for starting a non-profit organization, which include:

• What is the purpose (mission) for your new organization? It is important to determine the benefits and services you will provide to clients.

• What kind of non-profit organization do you want to start? You can informally begin a non-profit organization by merely getting some friends together or formally start a tax exempt non-profit organization under the IRS classification of 501(C) (3).

• Will you structure the non-profit organization or outsource it to other parties. A great deal of the work can be done by yourself or you may consider hiring an attorney or CPA.

Like any business, non-profit or for-profit, the rudimentary process of starting a company is pretty simple. However, the ability to create a profitable organization is a huge undertaking. The dirty little secret is that although non-profit organizations are not profit-driven, the more effective non-profit organizations, such as United Way and the Susan G. Komen for the Cure, operate essentially like any other company. Whether it is products, services, or programs, money is needed to ensure long-term viability.

Charismatic leaders are experts at creating non-profit organizations. Many religions are the result of a charismatic personality from Christianity to Scientology that focuses on social matters. Although the institution may exist long after the founder has died or moved on, non-profits’ existence rely on the ability to create relevant programs marketed effectively to generate revenue. Charismatic leaders build profitable non-profit organizations by:

1. Developing programs that address human needs. Non-profit organizations that have the greatest capital and resources have done some degree of market analysis. Charismatic leaders are data and research driven. Actually, charismatic leaders are excellent at dissecting and deciphering inefficiencies within the marketplace. The visionary traits attributed to charismatic leaders are often a result of compiling facts, critical thinking, and finding solutions to various problems. The late Steve Jobs of Apple is an excellent example of a charismatic leader’s ability to discover inefficiencies within the marketplace. By looking at the marketplace and the emerging needs of consumers, Apple’s invention of iTunes transformed the music industry into marketing and selling music differently online. Effective non-profit organizations do the same thing. Charismatic leaders create missions and crusades around problems they observe in society. Starting your own non-profit organization should be pursued as if it’s your life’s mission is to solve a compelling problem through your organization’s programs.

2. Hosting large events to honor local and national luminaries. Charismatic leaders are adept at expanding their branded personalities with other individuals who are acclaimed. By bestowing a leadership award to someone such as former President Bill Clinton, not only does Clinton become a supporter of the non-profit organization, the event is almost guaranteed to be sold out in ticket sales. This co-branding of charismatic leaders with other leaders provides non-profit organizations a greater presence, which garners greater membership and opportunities to develop and sell new products.

3. Recruiting board of directors with powerful political or business contacts. Although charismatic leaders may be reluctant to abdicate the decision making power of the organization to a board of directors, he knows that the viability of the organization rests with his ability to attract influential corporate leaders who can donate money and resources to the organization. These tax deductible contributions help organizational revenue as well as create a “feeder system” for future luminaries to be honored. Many boards of directors are aware of its function as a fundraising arm to the organization. It is essential to recruit board members who not only believe in the mission, but can financially and politically further its purpose.

For non-profit organizations to be profitable, the business and marketing of the non-profit organization must precede its programming. Non-profit organizations have to do good and well simultaneously—that is, doing the greatest amount of good while creating the greatest amount of funding sources. To do the reverse, sets the stage for the demise of the organization.

Related: Charisma


McNamara, C. (n.d.). How to start a non-profit organization: Guidelines and resources for entrepreneurs. Free Management Library. Retrieved from:

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Charismatic Leaders are Monomaniacal, Relentless & Focused in Changing the World

The late business guru, Peter Drucker, noted that successful innovation revealed a unique story usually about a monomaniac consumed by a challenge (Flaherty, 1999).  Drucker was not specifically speaking about charismatic leaders, but the commonality is eerily similar. Drucker’s analysis of this fearless leader, who goes against the norm and is iconoclastic in his desire to shatter the limitations of conventional wisdom, is the foundation of this style of leadership.  This brand of leadership does not listen to the roar of the crowd and insists on proving an idea correct despite overwhelming criticism.  Pundits can attribute traits such as extreme confidence, relentlessness, and steel determination to charismatic leaders. But, what spurs this level of insanity from these individuals and what can be learned by others who fall prey to the roar of the crowd? 

Entertainers Will Smith and Sean “P. Diddy” Combs repeatedly note in interviews that their success hinged on an insatiable desire to succeed. Combs actually referred to his ambition as “insane.” The late Steve Jobs suggested that “insanity” was a prerequisite for phenomenal success. Jobs articulated that the time, attention, and hard work it takes to achieve high levels of success would naturally cause the normal person to give up.  This purported insanity allows individuals to lead breakthroughs in traditional markets and innovations within new markets. So, how could the average individual adopt the monomaniacal and insane traits of charismatic leaders?

There are several strategies that average individuals can achieve in the vein of charismatic leaders.

1.       Have a deep, burning desire for acclaim and distinction. The insatiable desire by charismatic leaders to overcome insurmountable odds developed from an early childhood desire to be significant.  Early experiences stemming from abandonment, isolation, or mere low self-esteem sparked imagination in the mind and heart of the budding charismatic leader.  For individuals devoid of these life-altering experiences, build a desire from something of general interest and let it consume you. Revisit your childhood and determine what interest or idea has persisted within you, but was placed in the background out of a sense of being a “responsible adult.” Charismatic leaders follow this idea as if their life depended on it.

2.       Become a voracious reader and use history as a template for transformation. William Duggan in his book “The Art of What Works: How Success Really Happens” suggested that if a concept or strategy worked in the past, with some tweaking, it will work again in the present. The Biblical Solomon’s proclamation to the world that there is nothing new under the sun is prescient for Duggan’s analysis. Shakespeare said that he made new words out of old words. Charismatic leaders study the biographies, strategies, and tactics of historical figures to conquer new territory that change old systems of thought and operations. By becoming a voracious reader on subject matter pertinent to your ideas, you can begin imprinting your impression on the world.

3.       Dream big and spend large chunks of time in isolation.  Although charismatic leaders are viewed as “People Persons,” they create and develop many of their ideas in isolation.  Thomas Edison spent an inordinate amount of time in his laboratory before inventing the incandescent light bulb.  In Dean Keith Simonton’s “Greatness: Who Makes History and Why,” Simonton noted that Albert Einstein professed that his work did not lend itself to social interaction.  Einstein Reportedly said, “I am a horse with a single harness, not cut for tandem or teamwork…for well I know that in order to attain any definite goal, it is imperative that one person should be thinking and commanding (p. 388).  

4.       Use current technology to lead. Charismatic leaders become an army of one before the rest of the population has caught on to an idea.  Twenty-two year old Molly Katchpole started an online petition against Bank of America (BOF) after discovering that BOF would begin charging a $5 monthly fee on debit card transactions.  After a month, 306,000 people signed Katchpole’s petition causing BOF to reverse its decision to levy the monthly fee. The Internet and social media have allowed individuals to lead crusades that would have required enormous human capital once upon a time. Start a blog, petition, or Facebook page on an important issue that you and others are passionate about and become the vanguard for change.

5.       Document your work. Charismatic leaders reflect on their achievements by documenting the challenges and triumphs of their feats for future generations to follow. Niccolo Machiavelli wrote the book, “The Prince,” to advise leaders how acquire and maintain political power. “The Prince” is required reading for world leaders as well as students of Political Science interested in political theory. “The Prince” has remained relevant for over five hundred years.  As you develop strategies and tactics for changing the world, keep a journal of your process to serve as a tutorial for those who aspire to pick up where you left off.

Changing or influencing the world is an arduous task. However, by emulating the transformational strategies and tactics of charismatic leaders, you too can make a lasting impression on the world stage.

Related: Charisma

Flaherty, J.E. (1999). Peter Drucker: Shaping the managerial mind, how the foremost management thinker crafted the essential of business success. San Francisco, CA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Monday, March 5, 2012

How Charismatic Leaders Become Influential within Companies

The charismatic leadership model is fundamentally the only leadership model where the leader’s sheer personality, tenacity, and vision garner respect, adulation, and power. There are a few ways that charismatic leaders become influential within companies.

1. Charismatic leaders have a larger vision past the current company. When the late engineer John DeLorean designed the Pontiac GTO, Firebird, and Grand Prix for General Motors, it was almost certain that he would one day have to form his own company. The ego and drive for self-determination by charismatic leaders assures that they will become contentious with the managers of the organization. Later DeLorean would form the DeLorean Motor Company, maker of the DeLorean DMC-12 sports car. By having a compelling vision and marketable skills, Charismatic leaders are able to wield power inside and outside of a company. The fact that charismatic leaders have talents that can be leveraged for optimal positioning allows them to gain influence within a company until he is either forced out or leaves the company on his own.

2. Charismatic leaders recruit and attract disciples within a company. Employees who admire a charismatic leader’s personality and ambition will emulate his style as well as jockey for roles on projects led by the leader. Through these disciples or supporters within the company, charismatic leaders create internal networks that facilitate the acquisition and distribution of information. Such information allows the charismatic leader to be knowledgeable about upcoming threats and opportunities. Because charismatic leaders are agile and mobile when exploiting opportunities, they can determine if an opportunity allows them to play a larger role within a company or leave to set up operations elsewhere. In this vein, supporters might be inclined to leave with the charismatic leader causing a potential drought of skilled workers within a company.

3. Charismatic leaders create innovative initiatives and are great self-promoters. The keys to exploiting a great idea include the creation and implementation of a marketing plan. Through formalized communication structures like internal memos and newsletters or informal communication structures like disciples and supporters, charismatic leaders are able to self-promote within a company. Often this marketing strategy complements the overall goals of the company, which allows the charismatic leader to maintain influence.

Charismatic leaders create personal systems within an overarching corporate structure to gain influence as well as execute plans. A charismatic leader’s ability to see the gaps within an organization, thus allowing innovation, creates the perception of indispensability. The converts of a charismatic leader feel a sense of attachment and significance and are willing to invest their resources to be a part of a vision larger than themselves. As long as the charismatic leader’s vision aligns with the corporate mission, there is synergy. However, when the two are not aligned, the charismatic leader is fired or leaves the company to facilitate his vision elsewhere.

For more information, visit: Charisma